Happiness and Beautiful Skin

A beautiful skin is outcome of happy mind. When you are happy, it shows in your skin with brilliant radiance. Happy mind and body creates a sense of peace and calmness and heals the body and skin within holistically. Being happy is not only good for skin, body and health but also affects thinking. the start to a 'Beautiful you' is with 'Being Happy in Your own skin'. I believe in simplest pleasures of life as these supply unlimited joys and happiness.
Here is my list of simple ways to happiness and thus simple ways to get beautiful skin. 
  1. Nature: Being with nature makes me happy and there is so much to learn each and every moment. Nature is an amazing teacher. With urbanization, it’s concrete jungle all around but if you look around, you would find beautiful elements of nature that make life worth living. Look around or look at the sky, its vastness, clouds, rain drops, trees, plants in your window sill, each is a story in itself. An observation makes all the difference. Watching ants going in a line, carrying double their weight is a marvelous sight as also a spider weaving its web diligently and soon creating a masterpiece. The beauty of nature enthralls me and keeps me motivated and happy.
  2. Children: They are epitome of pure innocence. Just watching them gives me immense pleasure and happiness. Watching them play is exhilarating and transports me back to my childhood. Their sweet talks full of innocence and their curiosity about their surroundings; their keen observation power amazes me and keeps me engaged and happy.
  3. Music: It is the best healer and it is universal language of mood and emotion. It lifts me up when I am down. Listening to music any time of the day makes me happy and boosts my energy levels. It helps me enjoy even the mundane everyday chores so I make sure that I have music with me always. If you need more reason to enjoy music, then it stimulates neuron, boosts memory and increases the IQ level. So indulging in music therapy is the best way to beat away the blues.
  4. Food: Though this is not free in actual sense but it being the basic necessity of life is indeed a source of happiness. Eating is one of the greatest sensual pleasures as it involves all the senses. Healthy attitude towards food brings happiness. Some foods have a mood lifting properties because of the presence of certain components that stimulate neurotransmitters and thus giving happy feeling. Quite often the simplest of the meal is what makes us happy. Food provides succour and incomparable joy. It brings people closer and creates strong bonding thus is a source of happiness.
  5. Meditation: It helps in releasing stress by supplying oxygen and thus gives a feeling of mental and emotional well being. For me meditation need not be the usual way of deep breathing but it is about doing anything with concentration and complete consciousness. This brings about clarity in thoughts. Any activity which brings about a consciousness is therapeutic and has immense healing power. When we are healed deep within, we are happy both mentally and physically.

These are my ways of being happy. For being happy, one does not need money, name or fame but joy is also in simplicity of life. What about you? Share your ways to happiness so that we can create a chain of happiness.
