Skin Vitamins for a Younger you

Who doesn’t want to look young forever? If there was a fountain of youth, then everybody would have a share of it. Looking young is possible and it doesn’t come with a price. You can turn around the clock with the power of antioxidants.
Antioxidants fight signs of ageing by reversing the oxidative damage caused by pollution, sun and other factors. As we age, our skin undergoes oxidative damage and there is reduced production of natural oils and protein collagen which leads to wrinkly appearance. Ageing gracefully is the mantra. With age, we tend to face several skin problems and here I will be giving easy solutions to some common problems associated with ageing and ways to turn back the clock.
1. Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles
This is one of the earliest signs of ageing and can be tackled easily with a proper approach.
Vitamin A: The science behind this is that vitamin A boosts in collagen synthesis by exfoliating dead skin cells which helps in increasing cell turnover. As we age, our cell turnover rate decreases and vitamin A combats this by shedding older dull looking skin to reveal smoother, firmer and glowing skin.
Natural Treatment: Naturally boosting vitamin A in the body to boost cell health can clear away fine lines and wrinkles.
Food Sources: Increasing the intake of carrots, sweet potatoes, papaya, tomatoes and other red and orange coloured foods. These foods help in cell turnover and thus giving rise to new young healthy skin. You can also make a mask of these and apply on face such as papaya or mango mask is good for ageing skin.
Chemical: The most potent vitamin A in market is retinoic acid and this should always be taken under doctor’s supervision as its use can lead to skin irritations and photosensitivity. OTC creams with retinaldehyde , a milder version of retinol can work wonders. OTC retinoids are safer and gentler but have to be used for a longer time to get the desired results.

2. Dark Spots: Dark spots appear as a result of exposure to sun over several years and also due to hormonal changes. These give a dull and patchy appearance to the skin.
Vitamin C: This is most potent for getting rid of dark spots as it reduces the synthesis of melanin and thereby giving a clearer skin. It also boosts in collagen synthesis and protects from the oxidative stress caused due to pollution and UV rays of sun. It is a must have for younger looking glowing skin.
Natural Treatment: Including citrus foods in daily diet is very helpful in preventing oxidative stress.
Food Sources: The best food source is Gooseberry or amla. Raw amla taken daily meets the daily requirement of vitamin C. Other good sources are Kiwi, lemon, capsicum, green chilli, guavas and other citrus fruits.
Chemical: In addition to intake of vitamin c, topical application is very beneficial as it speeds up the depigmentation process. Applying 10% vitamin C gives faster results. Vitamin C serum can also be made at home, which I will deal later in one of my posts.

3. Dry Skin:
Vitamin E
It is one of the potent anti-ageing vitamins. It helps in retaining younger softer looking skin by repairing rough and dry skin and retaining natural moisturizers. It helps in counter-effecting the  UV rays damage caused to skin due to sun exposure.
Natural: Intake of foods rich in vitamin E along with vitamin c rich foods can help in skin repair and bringing back the glow.
Food Sources: Almonds, flaxseeds, walnut, sunflower, avocados
Chemical: Vitamin E enriched creams are quite effective. Vitamin E capsule pierced and mixed with cream of your choice is a good idea for vitamin E enriched cream.

These are the common vitamins needed for maintaining healthy and youthful skin. Along with these, a balanced diet is a must. Try to incorporate vitamin B rich foods also as they help to combat dull skin. Green leafy vegetables and whole grains are rich source of vitamin B.

Follow these tips and have a healthy, glowing and youthful skin.

A beginning to a Beautiful You J
